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The word “Karman”, as Davide Diamantini, founder of the company, has a very precise meaning: “it is the individual’s actions that drive him to his own destiny.” KARMAN was born in 2005 with a series of decorative objects ranging from photo frames to side tables, vases, hangers or some light. Finally, in 2008, the Enlightenment fascinated him and realized that in order to reach his ambitious destination, his actions had to go through the world of enlightenment, which inspired him with poetry and imagination. The final project is implemented in collaboration with Matteo Ugolini, a young designer who perfectly interprets Davide’s wishes and launches the brand on a journey through the unknown universe. A series of lamps (table, stand, suspension) that illuminate, the light projects unknown constellations, completely imaginary and fantastic. We invite you to take a very personal trip in space, dreaming comfortably from the intimacy of your home, to the extent of your longed for destination ….. to “Karman”

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